Friday, December 5, 2008


The quiet pachidermal bliss
Of trunky hug and trunky kiss.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hello Rar I am a Lyen

Hello rar I am a lyen,
I'm not too scary, though I'm tryin',
So if you see me, please run and hide,
And I'll be the Cool Cat in my pride :o3

In Which Our Hero Attempts to Write Poetry, and It All Goes a Bit Pete Tong.

I'm going to write a poem,
It's a poem about __ (blank).
It doesn't have a subject,
So I s'pose it's a bit wank.

I'm pressing on regardless,
As I feel I ought to write,
Though it's rather turning out to be,
A festering pile of __ (blank).

Real and proper poets,
Don't leave gaps where words should be,
Except when gaps are comical,
Like the one up there ^ might be.

If I pretend that was deliberate,
I could be a poet after all,
Except in the last stanza I rhymed 'be' with 'be',
And now I've cunted up my metre,
So it's all gone a bit fail again.