Monday, March 1, 2010

Memories of a Lost Love

Drunken, excitable stranger,
We met in the light of the fridge.
You had toast, and you wanted some butter,
Said you only needed a smidge.

The hours wear on and you chatter,
You paint an inch thick as you sing,
Bottle-tanned, smooth-skinned and fleshbare,
To attract what the evening may bring.

Elated, you tumble to taxi,
To the buzz of the evening you charge,
And all that is left is my memory of you,
And the crumbs that you left in the marge.

The Never-Exploding Time Bomb

It sits there, on the mantelpiece, so innocent to see,
As voices fade it fills the space where silence ought to be.
Incessant futile panic that the Gods can't comprehend,
This ticking clock is going to drive me round the fucking bend.

The Lapse of Label-Reading, an Avaricious Folly

Emancipated vegan,
Tumble-heeled and beamish
At the thought of dairy creamish chocolate mousse.
A promise can so easily seduce.

Deliciously it rests upon the table,
A careless glance is tossed toward the label,
Cocoa, cream... and porcine hoof secretions.

Illusion's tower topples,
Smashes swift to bones upon the ground,
A sick sensation sorrowful surrounds.

Emancipated vegan,
"If pride, then downfall" is the arrowed phrase,
Forever humbly shall I look into a swinish gaze.

The Pencil Case

"The Gift of Getting One's Shit Together, on the Smallest Scale"

A pencil case,
My soul's embrace,
A splintered jumble to replace,
My heart abeat at happy pace,
Such order now, where once disgrace.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

At Last, a Use for Prunes

"Those things that once were plums, my dear,"
She said with startling candor,
"Stuck to marshmallow, a la ears,
Make for a tasty panda."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My life's so empty.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I's got wellies, can you see?
There are no nicer boots than these,
"Splish splosh" I go in rain and snow...
I's got wellies, don'tchaknow.